California Reparations Task Force - Final Report
- AB 1929 (McKinnor) – Expand access to career technical education by creating a competitive grant program to increase enrollment of descendants in STEM-related CTE programs at the high school and college levels. *SPOT BILL*
- AB 3131 (McCarty) – Career Education Financial Aid for redlined communities. *Not Introduced*
Civil Rights
- ACA 7 (Jackson) – Amends the California Constitution to allow the State to fund programs for the purpose of increasing the life expectancy of, improving educational outcomes for, or lifting out of poverty specific groups.
- ACR 135 (Weber) – Formally recognizes and accepts responsibility for all of the harms and atrocities committed by representatives of the state who promoted, facilitated, enforced and permitted the institution of chattel slavery.
- AB 1815 (Weber) – Prohibit discrimination based on natural and protective hairstyles in all competitive sports by extending the CROWN Act to explicitly include competitive sports within California.
- SB 1050 (Bradford) – California American Freedmen Affairs Agency: racially motivated eminent domain. Property takings: Restore property taken during race-based uses of eminent domain to its original owners or provide another effective remedy where appropriate, such as restitution or compensation.
- AB 3089 (Jones-Sawyer) – Issues a formal apology for human rights violations and crimes against humanity on African slaves and their descendants.
Criminal Justice Reform
- ACA 8 (Wilson) – Amend the California Constitution to prohibit involuntary servitude for incarcerated persons.
- AB 1986 (Bryan) – Eliminate the CDCR practice of banning books without oversight and review.
- AB 2064 (Jones-Sawyer) – Fund community-driven solutions to decrease community violence at the family, school and neighborhood levels in African-American communities by establishing a state-funded grant program.
- AB 280 (Holden) – Mandela Act: Restricts solitary confinement within CDCR detention facilities.
- AB 1975 (Bonta) – Make medically supportive food and nutrition interventions, when deemed medically necessary by healthcare providers, a permanent part of Medi-Cal benefits in California.
- SB 1089 (Smallwood-Cuevas) – Address food injustice by requiring advance notification to community stakeholders prior to the closure of a grocery store in underserved or at-risk communities. *SPOT BILL*
- AB 2862 (Gipson) – Eliminate barriers to licensure for people with criminal records. Expansion of AB 2138 to prioritize African American applicants seeking occupational licenses, especially those who are descendants.